Problems Staying Asleep: 4 Reasons You Wake Up At Night

Problems Staying Asleep: 4 Reasons You Wake Up At Night

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While nocturnal awakening is completely normal, it can be quite the burden for those with early work schedules or limited time for sleep. According to a 2010 study in Sleep Medicine, roughly one-third of the general population is affected by problems staying asleep. Below are a few of the most common reasons why:

    1. The Bathroom Is Calling You

    2. One of the most common reasons for waking up in the middle of the night is the overwhelming need to pee. Everyone knows the feeling of reluctantly getting out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom to avoid wetting yourself and the bed. Getting up for the bathroom during the night is not only incredibly annoying, it can affect the quality of your sleep and reduce your energy levels the next day. While this may often be linked to health issues or an overactive bladder, there are steps that can be taken to help limit your need to get up during the night.


      It’s best to limit your evening drinking, especially when it comes to caffeine and alcohol, to a few hours before bed. Diuretics like caffeine and alcohol can trigger overactive bladder and are best avoided in the 3-4 hour period before bed. Cutting back on all fluids after 6 p.m. can also be beneficial. If you’re waking up to go to the bathroom multiple times a night, more serious health issues may be at play. It may be in your best interest to see a urologist if you’re waking up excessively to relieve yourself. Additionally, it helps to go to the bathroom right before bed, but it doesn’t take a sleep scientist to know that.
    1. Your Body Temperature Is Too High

    2. One important factor of avoiding waking up during the night is body temperature. A reduction in body temperature is linked to inducing sleep, making a cool environment crucial for promoting sleep onset and feeling energized in the morning. Because the ideal temperature for sleep entirely depends on the individual, some people may be able to sleep soundly in what feels like subarctic temperatures to others. However, according to a

2009 New York Times article

      , the body tends to be less aroused and more relaxed as it cools, making temperature regulation essential, especially in the warmer seasons.


      It’s important to support a cool body temperature during the night with breathable clothing and bedding.

SHEEX® Performance Bedding

      is engineered to allow excess body heat to escape through the covers and wicks away moisture, supporting a cool body temperature throughout the night. While bedding is important for comfortably falling asleep, so too are your pajamas or nightwear. SHEEX® also has a full line of Performance Fabrics Sleepwear designed to help regulate body temperature and promote continuous sleep throughout the night. Additionally, it’s important to set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature. Running a floor or ceiling fan can also help keep your bedroom cool and breezy, allowing your body to conserve energy during the night.
    1. You’re Glued To Your Technology

    2. With the rise of smartphones and tablets, most millennials or technology lovers have a hard time putting down their devices when it’s time for bed. Exposing your eyes to light from electronic screens before bed can prevent the body from making melatonin, the sleep hormone, which can cause periodic awakenings and force you to stay awake longer than you’d expect.


      PUT DOWN YOUR SMARTPHONE. In all seriousness, it can be difficult to avoid technology before bed in this day and age, but allotting time before you want to go to bed can help you fall asleep quicker. If you must use your phone or tablet before bed, dimming the light to the lowest setting and holding it further away from your face can help with negating the effects.
    1. You Can’t Put Stress To Sleep

    2. Between work, family life, and the other daily pressures that drive us mad, stress can have a terrible effect on sleep onset and maintaining your sleep. Not only is it incredibly hard to fall asleep when you’re filled with stressful thoughts, it can also cause frequent awakenings throughout the night.


    Finding a state of relaxation through meditation or similar practices can help put your stressful thoughts away for the night, allowing you to sleep soundly. Additionally, if stress is a continuous problem for you, thoroughly exercising can help negate stress and exhaust energy, allowing you to sleep easier at night.

While the solutions above can help put these individual symptoms to bed, having a comfortable environment can go a long way with helping you maintain a sound sleep schedule. If you have problems staying asleep, new bedding with sleep-inducing fabrics can make all the difference. With SHEEX® Performance Bedding, you’ll be sure to long for your bed covered in ultra-soft, super-comfortable fabrics. If your bed is an oasis of comfort, it’s certainly easier to put your mind at ease and get the beauty rest you deserve.

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